Thursday, September 20, 2012

Webmaster Finds!

     Building websites can be such a chore. You start with an idea in your head and you spend hours trying this, trying that and then what? STILL NOT HAPPY! Ok maybe that's just me, I am a bit of a perfectionist. But no really, you need just the right host (cause I can't host them myself even tho I have tons of ppl asking me to build a website), you have to find just the right code, colors, text ... blah blah blah! Its so much work! I'm not sure people really know that. Oh sure you can do the plain old cookie cutter type that comes with so many website builders but yuck! There's no fun, no challenge and no personality. And sometimes that just won't work anyway.
     So here I am, I took on the challenge of building another website. This was months ago and I'm not done (I'm so ashamed of myself too!) but no matter what I do its not working, its not right, its MAKING ME CRAZY!!! Then today, a miracle happened! It actually started to come together.. finally! So (insert sigh of relief here...) it will actually be up and running soon! Hopefully those who trusted me to build the website aren't ready to kill me by now (NOS you know who you are! And yes I paid for the domain way back so its already yours.).
     In the hopes this doesn't happen to just everyone, but just in case it does, I have decided to list a few of the very helpful things I have found while doing graphics or building websites:
               1. Flipping Typical This lets you see all the fonts installed on your computer. Such a lifesaver!
               2. Smashing Magazine They say it best themselves: "Founded in September 2006, Smashing Magazine delivers useful and innovative information to Web designers and developers. Our aim is to inform our readers about the latest trends and techniques in Web development. We try to persuade you not with the quantity but with the quality of the information we present. Smashing Magazine is and always has been independent."
               3. Zen Textures Because I swear, what used to be a background is now called a texture... seriously!
               4. Free Online Image Editor Don't ask me why but every once in a while I need this and yes I do have programs for such a thing!
               5. Hybrid Lava is a web design, Inspiration, graphic and development blog that is written by designers for designers all over the world. The primary purpose of this site is to act as a platform for sharing web design related knowledge and resources. Topics range from design inspiration to tips and tutorials and everything in between.
               6. Naldz Graphics  Founded in February 2008, Naldz Graphics is a fast growing Design Blog for designers and design lovers. We are showcasing the best tutorials, freebies, inspirations and other useful and informative resources to help and give love to design community.
               7. Common fonts to all versions of Windows and Mac equivalents. 
     Well that's all I have to share at the moment but hopefully I have helped someone out there and you two wont be stuck on the same project for what feels like decades ;)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ways to Beat the Heat!

     I know usually we are way into summer long before it actually is summer, but this year its been so nice, so mild, so unusual for my area. I was really enjoying gardening and being outside in general. Then WHAM! Summer Solstice rolls around and what does it bring with it? Heat  and lots of it! We are supposed to get up to 103 next week! The only hope we have in the near future it seems is Tropical Storm Debby which just formed in the Gulf of Mexico. Cross your fingers she brings a cooling! Rain never hurts either.
     In the spirit of the hot hot summer (please let my failing air conditioner hold out for awhile longer) here are some great cool down ideas:
First this is a great little source of useful info How to Cool Yourself Without Air Conditioning. I found some great ideas there.
And lets not forget recipes. I try to never use my oven in the summer. I totally rely on my crock pot or my grill. Maybe my microwave altho its not the tastiest for cooking. And once in awhile my big roaster, which does put out some heat, but not so much as the oven, and besides I can put it in an already hot unused room or even outside if I want.
OK for starters drinks! I will be trying these immediately! Bobby Flay's Frozen Mojitos OMG Yum! And this one looks so yummy as well Giada De Laurentiis' Blended Cherry Mojitos. No you can't tell I like mojitos not at all LOL! Now lets give Martha Stewart her shot with her Lemonade Recipes, there are 20 here and they look so good! I like thyme in mine so that one looks like a winner ;)
One of my families new favorite simple recipes is to take boneless skinless chicken breasts and cut it into 3 or 4 pieces. Wrap each with a piece of bacon. Skewer it and throw it on the grill. Baste with barbeque sauce or whatever sauce you like as it cooks and Voila! Tasty grilled chicken. Add some grilled veggies or a tasty salad and you have a great easy summer meal. I love my grill. I use it all through the winter as well as in the hotter months. One of my favorite things to grill is vegetables and this Grilled Corn with Chive Butter recipe looks like a super tasty one! Better Homes and Gardens has a yummy looking Grilled Tomato Melts recipe. And don't neglect the great summer squashes and some tasty mushrooms as well! I'm pretty sure my favorite meat of all time is beef so a steak on the grill or even a burger (like I'm making tonight) is heaven to me! This info at Steak Enthusiast in very useful! For a lighter meal why not try a Steak Salad? I love making this and all I do is cook a steak and chop it up and throw it into my favorite salad fixins with Blue Cheese Dressing of course, cause I couldn't imagine a salad, especially a steak salad with any other dressing! (And if you don't like Blue Cheese use your favorite dressing) Seafood is also great on the grill. I often make shrimp the same way as my chicken, wrapped in bacon and basted with sauce while grilling, or if u want it spicy, add a slice of jalapeno in the bacon wrap and then grill. And another favorite. Grilled Bacon Wrapped Cheese Stuffed Jalapenos this recipe is the closest I can find online to how I do my own.
So you want dessert? Well these Honey-Rum Grilled Bananas sure look good! Looking online the most popular fruits for grilling seem to be pineapple (of course who hasn't had that?), peaches and mango. Also strawberries and bananas and apples. And pound cake seems to be VERY popular to grill as well. Fruit and cake kabobs would be quiet a treat I bet! And never forget the tried and true summer dessert classic... SMORES!
     So maybe armed with these recipes and stay cool ideas you too will be able to beat the summer heat and have just some good summer fun!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Bunnies...bunnies bunnies bunnies!

So this month we decided we needed more animals (eye roll) and I went on Craigslist and found some cute little miniature mixed breed bunnies! They are Dutch/Mini-Lops and just the cutest tiny little things. So curious, friendly and happy :) We have had rabbits before, but I have to say so far these are the sweetest ones yet.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Clone me, please!

So there needs to be more than one of me, or at the very least, more hours in the day! I can not ever get everything done. I want to blog and almost never do. I have a million craft projects going all the time. I need to do some yard work but its either far too hot or mosquito's are annoying me (and I hate using bug repellant)! I've got a website job I need to finish. And there are a million other things, so here's hoping I find more time!


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